Kaltiot Smart Tracker Public REST API

The following headers are required:

ApiKey: xxx
Content-Type: application/json

The API key is the same as the one you use for Kaltiot Smart IoT REST API.

Alternatively, you can also specify ApiKey as a query parameter.

Error status codes

Example response to a bad request

  "errors": {
    "page": ["is not an integer"],
    "trackable_id": ["is too short (min. 3 characters)"]

GET /beacons

Returns a paginated list of registered beacons.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
complete boolean Return full info (as from GET /beacons/:id) instead of just ids.
movable string Filter results depending on if the device is movable. Accepted values: yes, no, ignore. Defaults to ignore.
is_phone string Filter results depending on if the device is a phone. Accepted values: yes, no, ignore. Defaults to ignore.
page integer Page of items to fetch. Starts at 0.
per_page integer Number of items to fetch per page. Default 20.
trackable_id string Match all beacons whose trackable id contains this string. Use * to match all beacons with any non-empty trackable id.
location_name string Match all beacons whose location name contains this string.
ids string Filter results by full ids. Comma-separated.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "beacons": [
  "pages": 30

GET /beacons/:id

Returns information on a beacon.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "id": "1234-abcd",
  "trackable_id": "box",
  "group_id": "packages",

  "customer_id": "updater",
  "timestamp": 1234567890, // last time the beacon was seen or its location modified through REST API, utc

  "latitude": 12.34,
  "longitude": 56.78,
  "accuracy": 1234,
  "location_name": "container 555", // location name based on fixed beacons (commonly the trackable_id of closest fixed beacon)
  "area_name": "something", // geofence area name

  "movable": true,
  "meta": {},

  "prob_of_movement": 30,
  "gps_used": false,
  "reloc_ts": 1234567890, // last time the beacon location was updated, utc
  "updatedBy": { id: "dcba-5678", trackableId: "phone dcba-5678"},
  "is_phone": false,
  "floor": 1,

PATCH /beacons/:id

Update information on a beacon. Only fields in the request body are updated.

If any of the following fields are specified, timestamp will be updated and customer_id will be set to null to indicate a location update through the REST API: latitude, longitude, accuracy, location_name.

NOTE: movable can only be set to false if trackable_id is not empty.

Request fields

Field Type Description
trackable_id string Optional.
movable boolean Optional.
prob_of_movement integer Probability of movement. Optional.
meta object Optional.
latitude string Optional.
longitude string Optional.
accuracy string Optional.
location_name string Optional.
group_id string Optional.
floor string Optional.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success.

Example request

curl -iX PATCH \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d \
'{ "trackable_id": "office" }' \

DELETE /beacons/:id

Delete a beacon.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success.

Example request

curl -iX DELETE \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

GET /beacons/floor/:floor

Returns beacons in given floor.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "id": "1234-abcd",
  "trackable_id": "box",
  "group_id": "packages",

  "customer_id": "updater",
  "timestamp": 1234567890, // last time the beacon was seen or its location modified through REST API, utc

  "latitude": 12.34,
  "longitude": 56.78,
  "accuracy": 1234,
  "location_name": "container 555", // location name based on fixed beacons (commonly the trackable_id of closest fixed beacon)
  "area_name": "something", // geofence area name

  "movable": true,
  "meta": {},

  "prob_of_movement": 30,
  "gps_used": false,
  "reloc_ts": 1234567890, // last time the beacon location was updated, utc
  "updatedBy": { id: "dcba-5678", trackableId: "phone dcba-5678"},
  "is_phone": false,

GET /beacons/floor_numbers

Returns configured floor numbers.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response


GET /beaconconfig

Returns beacon configuration for organization, to be written into the beacon.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
type string logger or scanner. Defaults to logger. Optional.

Example response

  config: {
    samplingInterval : 1,
    sensors : 2,
    accelerationThreshold : 3,
    skipDuplicates : 4,
    flushDelay : 100,
    flushAdInterval: 10

POST /beaconconfig

Sets beacon configuration for organization. The whole configuration is overwritten (both logger and scanner).

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d '{ "logger": { "samplingInterval": 1, "sensors": 2, "accelerationThreshold": 3, "skipDuplicates": 4, "flushDelay": 100, "flushAdInterval": 10 }, "scanner": { "samplingInterval": 1, "sensors": 2, "accelerationThreshold": 3, "skipDuplicates": 4, "flushDelay": 100, "flushAdInterval": 10 } }' \

Example response

  result: "Ok"

GET /history

Returns location history for beacons.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Returns 206 Partial Content when the request triggered copy from long term storage. Not all data was returned in this response. Request needs to be rerun until you get 200 response code.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
ids string Comma-separated list of beacon ids. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  id: "abcd-1234",
  history: [{ timestamp: 0, relocTs: 0, locationName: "location0", areaName: "area0", latitude: 1, longitude: 4, accuracy: 1, gpsUsed: false, updatedBy: { id: "dcba-5678", trackableId: "phone dcba-5678"}},
            { timestamp: 1, relocTs: 1, locationName: "location1", areaName: "area1", latitude: 2, longitude: 5, accuracy: 1, gpsUsed: false, updatedBy: { id: "dcba-5678", trackableId: "phone dcba-5678"}},
            { timestamp: 2, relocTs: 2, locationName: "location2", areaName: "area2", latitude: 3, longitude: 6, accuracy: 1, gpsUsed: false, updatedBy: { id: "dcba-5678", trackableId: "phone dcba-5678"}}]

GET /history/sensor/:sensor_type

Returns sensor history for beacons.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Returns 206 Partial Content when the request triggered copy from long term storage. Not all data was returned in this response. Request needs to be rerun until you get 200 response code.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
ids string Comma-separated list of beacon ids. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  id: "abcd-1234",
  history: [{ timestamp: 0, value: 4 },
            { timestamp: 1, value: 5 },
            { timestamp: 2, value: 6 }]

GET /history/rssi

Returns rssi history for beacons.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Returns 206 Partial Content when the request triggered copy from long term storage. Not all data was returned in this response. Request needs to be rerun until you get 200 response code.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
ids string Comma-separated list of beacon ids. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  id: "abcd-1234",
  history: [{ key: "cdef-5678", timestamp: 0, rssi: -20, scancount: 1, txpower: 4 },
            { key: "cdef-5678", timestamp: 1, rssi: -21, scancount: 1, txpower: 4 },
            { key: "cdef-5678", timestamp: 2, rssi: -22, scancount: 1, txpower: 4 }]

GET /assets

Returns location history for beacons. Calculates new area names based on geofence areas. Subsequental locations that have same area name are filtered out.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
ids string Comma-separated list of beacon ids. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
min number number, milliseconds. Optional.
interval number number, seconds. Optional.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  id: "abcd-1234",
  history: [{ areaName: "home", latitude: 1, longitude: 4, accuracy: 1, timestamp: 0 },
            { areaName: "office", latitude: 2, longitude: 5, accuracy: 1, timestamp: 1 },
            { areaName: "home", latitude: 3, longitude: 6, accuracy: 1, timestamp: 2 }]

GET /usage

Returns usage report for beacons.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
ids string Comma-separated list of beacon ids. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Optional.
resolution string Results groupping resolution. Either 1d or 1h. Optional, default is 1h.
format string Output format. Either json or csv. Optional, default is json.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  id: "abcd-1234", usage: {
    1495527321000: { total: 3, percentage: { A: 67, B: 33 },
      locations: { A: 2, B: 1 } },

GET /key

Request API key.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
application string Application id to request API key. Required.
rid string Resource identifier where API key is sent to. Required.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \

GET /terms/:rid

Returns non-accepted terms and conditions for rid.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

Returns non-accepted terms and conditions, where: 1 = policy 2 = terms and conditions 3 = ok to locate

[1, 2, 3]

GET /terms/:rid/short

Returns terms and conditions short version texts.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

{"1":"short policy","2":"short terms","3":"short ok to locate"}

GET /terms/:rid/long

Returns terms and conditions long version texts.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

{"1":"long policy","2":"long terms","3":"long ok to locate"}

PUT /terms/:rid

Saves accepted terms and conditions.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

Body must be JSON array where is accepted terms: 1 = policy 2 = terms and conditions 3 = ok to locate

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d "[1,2,3]"

GET /geofence

Get all virtual beacons. Virtual beacon is a circular geo-fence that gives name to geographic area.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

      "name": "company_site_1",
      "latitude": 12.34, // center
      "longitude": 56.78, // center
      "radius": 120, // in meters
      "gpsEnabled": true,
      "name": "company_site_2",
      "latitude": 12.34, // center
      "longitude": 56.78, // center
      "radius": 120, // in meters
      "gpsEnabled": true,

GET /geofence/:name

Get virtual beacon with name. The name must be URL encoded if it contains any nonsafe characters (e.g. "Ylä-lappi" encodes to "Yl%C3%A4-lappi").

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "name": "company_site_1",
  "latitude": 12.34, // center
  "longitude": 56.78, // center
  "radius": 120, // in meters
  "gpsEnabled": true,

POST /geofence

Creates a new virtual beacon or update the existing one.

Response status codes

Returns 201 OK on success. Location field in the response header will point to the created virtual beacon

Example request

curl -iX POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
    -d \
   '{ "latitude": 12.34, "longitude": 56.78, "name": "area3", "radius": 90, "gpsEnabled": true }'

Example response

{result: "Ok"}

DELETE /geofence/:name

Deletes virtaul beacon. The name must be URL encoded if it contains any nonsafe characters (e.g. "Ylä-lappi" encodes to "Yl%C3%A4-lappi").

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX DELETE \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
    -d \

Example response

{result: "Ok"}

GET /floorplans

Get a paginated list of floorplans. Filtered either suitable for mobile screens (default) or suitable for desktop.

Query parameters

Parameter Type Description
page integer Page of items to fetch. Starts at 0.
per_page integer Number of items to fetch per page. Default 20.
mobile string Filter floorplans suitable for mobile screen. Accepted values: yes, no, ignore. Any other value (or if not defined) will be interpreted as yes.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "floorplans": [
      "id": 1,
      "latitude": 12.34, // top left corner
      "longitude": 56.78, // top left corner
      "width": 12.34, // in meters
      "height": 56.78, // in meters
      "bearing": 90.12, // in degrees
      "name": "someplace",
      "timestamp": 1234567890,
      "mobile": true,
      "floor": 1,
      "id": 2,
      "latitude": 12.34,
      "longitude": 56.78,
      "width": 12.34,
      "height": 56.78,
      "bearing": 90.12,
      "name": "someplace",
      "timestamp": 1234567890,
      "mobile": false,
      "floor": 2
  pages: 30

GET /floorplans/:id

Get information on a floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

  "id": 1,
  "latitude": 12.34,
  "longitude": 56.78,
  "width": 12.34,
  "height": 56.78,
  "bearing": 90.12,
  "name": "someplace",
  "floor": 1,
  "timestamp": 1234567890

GET /floorplans/:id/data

Get the image data of a floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -X GET \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:12:42 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<data here>

GET /floorplans/:id/data_rotated

Get the image data of a floorplan, pre-rotated by the bearing associated with the floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -X GET \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2016 12:12:42 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

<data here>

POST /floorplans

Creates a new floorplan. Location field in the response header will point to the created floorplan. By default creates floorplan suitable for mobile devices. To create floorplan suitable for desktop (large image) add parameter "mobile": false.

Response status codes

Returns 201 Created on success. Location: /api/floorplans/:id header contains the path to the created resource.

Example request

curl -iX POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d \
'{ "latitude": 12.34, "longitude": 56.78, "width": 12.34, "height": 56.78, "bearing": 90.12, "floor": 1, }' \

Example floorplan for desktop only:

curl -iX POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d \
'{ "latitude": 12.34, "longitude": 56.78, "width": 12.34, "height": 56.78, "bearing": 90.12, "mobile": false, "floor": 1, }' \

PATCH /floorplans/:id

Update floorplan information.

Response status codes

Returns the modified floorplan on success. The timestamp will also be updated.

Example request

curl -iX PATCH \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d \
'{ "bearing": 55.666 }' \

Example response

  "id": 1,
  "latitude": 12.34,
  "longitude": 56.78,
  "width": 12.34,
  "height": 56.78,
  "bearing": 55.666,
  "name": "someplace",
  "floor": 1,
  "timestamp": 1234567890

PUT /floorplans/:id/data

Set the binary data of a floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success.

Example request

curl -iX PUT \
   -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -F "data=@example.jpg" \

DELETE /floorplans/:id

Delete a floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success. Even if floorplan doesn't exist.

Example request

curl -iX DELETE \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

DELETE /floorplans/:id/data

Delete the binary data of a floorplan.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success.

Example request

curl -iX DELETE \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

PUT /apps/:id

Enable or disable an app. Enabling means the service will start listening for notifications for this app.

Request fields

Field Type Description
enabled boolean Self-explanatory.

Response status codes

Returns 204 No Content on success.

Example request

curl -iX PUT \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
   -d '{ "enabled": true }' \

GET /packages/:file

Download a package.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

GET /metabase/locations

Get url for a chart showing the distribution of locations for a beacon in a specified time span.

Request fields

Field Type Description
id string Beacon id. Required.
from number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Required.
to number UTC timestamp, milliseconds. Required.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response


GET /securitydomain

Get security domain for the application. If security domain is defined, application uses email verification to authenticate application user.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

    "securitydomain": "kaltiot.com"

POST /securitydomain

Request backend to send email verification to given email address.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX POST \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \
    -d \
   '{ "rid": "myrid", "email": "user.email", "code": "client generated code" }'

Example response

    result: "Ok"

GET /time

Get backend timestamp.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

    "time": 1525353332779

GET /appid

Get Application ID.

Response status codes

Returns 200 OK on success.

Example request

curl -iX GET \
   -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
   -H "ApiKey:xxx" \

Example response

    "appId": "example_app.kaltiot"